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HO Utao Waki ACE 3000 Locomotive.

  •  This is a hand-built model by Utao Waki.  Mr. Waki was a Japanese man living in Salt Lake City UT for many years.
  • He produced a few very limited runs of models throughout the years, such as a UP Big boy, & UP Challenger.
  • I believe this was the last model that he produced before he passed away.
  • There were only 10 Produced.  The original price was $3500.00.  3 were set aside for his family, 4 were scarfed up by 2 different wealthy collectors, one was purchased by one of his close friends.  Which leaves only two unaccounted for, this being one of them which we were recently able to purchase.
  • The craftmanship is superb.  The model itself is one of the most unique models we have had in our possesion.
  • The ACE 3000 is basically an advanced steam locomotive meant to offer an alternative to the very expensive oil prices in 1980. Ross Rowland headed up the project, CSX authorized it.  Much more info is provided here: Ultimate Steam If you have any interest in this loco please read the material found there, it is very interesting. 
  • The model runs well.  It is very interesting to watch it run.
  • It does not have lights installed.
  • The fact that Mr. Waki is no longer alive, and that this was the pinnacle of his building prowess, combined with the fact no other model has ever been produced of this proposed prototype, makes the value quite subjective.  Really on of the most interesting models produced in the past few decades as far as I am concerned.

